Home Connect Lambda function to VPC

Connect Lambda function to VPC

  • AWS Lamba is a public service which runs within a region. Therefore it can not connect to resources hosted within VPC.

  • In some cases you will need to connect your function to VPC to access private resurces ( like database server) during execution.

What do you need to setup Lamba access to VPC ?

  • Lambda function needs to be configured with below
    • Private subbet ID
    • Security Group ID
  • Lambda function’s execution role must have following permissions:
    • ec2:CreateNetworkInterface
    • ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaces
    • ec2:DeleteNetworkInterface
    • All above permissions are included in AWSLambdaVPCAccessExecutionRole managed policy.
  • Lambda uses above information to setup an Elastic Network Interface (ENI), using avaiable IP from your private subnet.
  • Note that Lambda will loose internet connectivity as soon as ENI is setup. You will need NAT Gateway for internet access

How does it look like in a diagram ?


How do you connect Lambda function to VPC ?

Create a Test VPC

Create a Private Subnet

Create a Public Subnet

Create a “Hellow World” Lambda function

Go to configuration and VPC , Setup VPC, Subnet and Security Group.

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